Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) retweeted a suggestion that the attack on Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) by his next-door neighbor back in November 2017 was justified...
The Anti-war Left by-and-large, well… left, sometime during Obama’s Presidency. Most were killed by the kind of partisanship that would excuse expansions of the war...
Two years and $30,000,000. That’s what the Russian collusion nothing-burger cost. Robert Mueller concluded his investigation and turned his final report into Attorney General Barr....
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) announced Saturday in a speech at Southern Kentucky Lincoln Day Dinner that he would vote in favor of a resolution blocking...
The art of trolling is a finely honed craft in the libertarian/conservative movement. From Donald Trump’s famous tweets… If Elizabeth Warren, often referred to by...
Representative Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) seems to think that President Trump’s decision to withdraw from never-ending wars in the Middle East is a bad idea. On...