Andrew Trunsky on November 2, 2020 One day from the election, President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden are zigzagging in competitive states across...
Andrew Trunskyon Eighty-eight days out from the general election, likely Democratic nominee Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by an average of 7.8 points, according...
Over the weekend, the Libertarian party nominated Jo Jorgensen, former 1996 LP vice presidential candidate and current psychology professor at Clemson University, to be their...
America woke up on Sunday morning of Memorial Day Weekend to find an old hashtag had been resurrected. #ImWithHer was trending on Twitter. Had Biden...
Peter Hasson Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton backed down after implying she might not support Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in the general election, pledging...
Hulu, apparently focusing on niche markets rather than anything with broad appeal representing what Americans in aggregate actually want, has produced a four-part series entitled...
Chuck Ross Lawyers for Rep. Tulsi Gabbard are accusing Hillary Clinton of defamation over her remarks last month that the Hawaii Democrat is Russia’s...
Chuck Ross Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton poured cold water Wednesday on Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare for All plan and said she doubts the...