Here Are The Top Dumbest Laws In All The 50 States

#47. Washington

Nobody likes Washington, but here are some good reasons why. In Washington, you can’t use x-rays to fit shoes. Yes, I get it, they used to pour terrifying amounts of radiation into people’s feet with those crazy devices back in the day, but that is just a dumb law. I don’t need government to tell me not to zap my feet with harmful radiation, thank you.

Also, Washington sucks because it’s illegal to harass Bigfoot. Yes, it’s a felony crime to harass, tease, or otherwise mess with a Sasquatch. Some politician was paid at taxpayer expense to write that law and pass it. I need a beer and a woman. Where can I get a girl in Washington? How about the Maple Lane School for girls? Wait… it’s a crime to entice girls away from the Maple Lane School for girls? What the hell!?!? I thought this was America!!?! I was just going to go up to them and lie to them and tell them my daddy’s rich so I can get some. Wait… what do you mean it’s illegal to lie to a girl and say my dad is rich?! How are we poor guys supposed to get any with laws like that on the books?!


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