Here Are The Top Dumbest Laws In All The 50 States

#26. Montana

In Montana, it’s a crime to pretend to abuse an animal in the presence of a minor. I guess that’s pretty dumb because who doesn’t love freaking out little kids by pretending to beat up their dog? That’s hilarious! Then you can be all like “oh see, I didn’t hurt him!” But if a cop saw you doing that you’d get arrested. And I guess freaking weirdos who do that kind of stuff probably should be. Still, it’s pretty durned hilarious.

You know what else is crazy about the laws in Montana? It’s illegal to have sex in any other position than missionary. Yes, that is an explicitly stated law. Wow. Apparently no one in Montana is having any fun. Thankfully, it’s a felony for a wife to open her husband’s mail, so if she did and found out by correspondence with his mistress that they were doing it doggy style, she probably wouldn’t report him, or risk jail herself.

Also, seven or more Native Americans constitutions a raiding party and it’s legal to shoot them.

Fun stuff Montana. We’ll just not go there.

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