Here Are The Top Dumbest Laws In All The 50 States

#43. Texas

In stupid Texas it’s illegal for anyone to hold public office unless they acknowledge a supreme being. Hey Texas, acknowledge the supreme being in my pants, why don’t you?

Texas kills a lot of people on death row. They claim to be some kind of free market utopia, but isn’t it funny how they’re all “an eye for an eye,” but if you try and SELL that eye, that’s illegal!

Also, if you don’t think Texas sucks, did you know that it’s illegal to sell the Encyclopedia Brittanica there? Know why? Because it contains a recipe for making beer. And it’s also illegal to take more than three sips of beer while standing up. It’s also illegal to own more than six sex toys. Not so free now are you Texans? Lone Star State? More like Lone Star Sucks!


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