by Ali Motamedi The Cuban people have been engaged in a series of unprecedented anti-communist protests in the wake of months of severe shortages. Common...
Kaylee Greenlee on July 27, 2021 Hundreds of anti-communists and Cuban Americans demonstrated in Washington, D.C. Monday to urge the Biden administration to intervene on...
Conservative political commentator and founder of Blaze Media Glenn Beck announced he’d give up his U.S. citizenship if there was anything better in a passionate...
Black Lives Matter was recently dragged on Twitter for an old tweet showing admiration for Cuba’s former Communist dictator Fidel Castro in light of the...
Cuban-American rapper Pitbull released a bold message to the world concerning the efforts of the Cuban people to overthrow the country’s Communist dictatorship on Wednesday....
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders spent a large part of the last week defending earlier statements he made regarding Fidel Castro and Cuba. While denouncing the...
Jason Hopkins Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was questioned about his past sympathetic comments about socialist, authoritarian regimes, such as in China and Cuba, during the...
Close your eyes and imagine paradise… Imagine a place with candy-colored beach houses from the early 20thcentury with Pride flags flying right next to American...