The assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stunned the world. Abe, a beloved figure in Japan took over the reigns from his predecessor...
Cuban-American rapper Pitbull released a bold message to the world concerning the efforts of the Cuban people to overthrow the country’s Communist dictatorship on Wednesday....
Atheists are quick to criticize God for His alleged deficiencies, claiming His tyrannical nature prevents people from living without fear. According to atheists, God’s behavior...
You may have read about China’s practice of foot-binding. It’s an ancient custom dating back to the supposedly pleasing aesthetic sense of the 10th century....
Conservative Christians on Twitter have flown the coop, displaying a rather disturbing side of themselves with outcries of support for strict regulation of the porn...
We are learning that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are not enough to maintain liberty. Freedom is maintained when a critical mass of...
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (FL-R) took aim from the “Road to Majority” conference, held by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, at Sen. Booker, "It sounded...