The assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stunned the world. Abe, a beloved figure in Japan took over the reigns from his predecessor...
LISTEN TO TLR’S LATEST PODCAST: By Ryan Pickrell North Korean state media has released a video detailing an alleged assassination attempt on Kim Jong Un....
LISTEN TO TLR’S LATEST PODCAST: By Rob Shimshock Screenshots from BuzzFeed’s private chat site show the website’s staff members joking about a potential assassination of...
LISTEN TO TLR’S LATEST PODCAST: By Kody Fairfield Rapper Snoop Dogg‘s newest music video is sure to grab the controversial spotlight, as it appears to depict the assassination...
By JP Carroll A leading figure of the conservative Venezuelan opposition was murdered in cold blood Friday and his murderer is still at large. German...
Jacob Bojesson GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump defended his praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview Sunday, saying it has never been proven...