Category : Education
Physics Reference Books For Class 10
by Maggie Novak
A reference book is defined as the source of information in which the information is available in a systematic format with supporting examples. Also, this...
Government Schooling At Home Still Requires Vigilance
I have never been a huge proponent of government schools. However, as parents, we have to make decisions based on our situations. Due to various...
Five Liberties Up For Grabs in the 2020 Presidential Election
by Jack Stocker
Many a decade has been spent in the wake of the executive changes of the second Roosevelt presidency, watching executive office hopefuls sell off the...
Gen X ‘Latch Key’ Kids Offer Wisdom On How To Entertain Yourself During Quarantine
by Guest Post
Mary Margaret Olohan – Families across the United States are refraining from their usual daily routines of school, sports, play dates, and extra-curricular activities. – ...
Let’s Expand 529 Plans to Help Homeschoolers Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
by Guest Post
Homeschooling—a few weeks ago the domain of about 3% of the school-aged population—made headlines this month as COVID-19 rapidly closed schools across 46 states, the District of Columbia, and...
Coronavirus Effect: We Are All Homeschoolers Now
Monday afternoon, President Trump and the Coronavirus Task Force announced new guidelines in an attempt to minimize the coronavirus spread. Among other things, he stated,...
Why We Need to Take Education Back to Past Practices
by Guest Post
Sometimes the best way to go forward is to go backward. In 1899, the population of Boonville, North Carolina was under 200. It was a...
Coronavirus Reminds Us What Education Without Schooling Can Look Like
by Guest Post
As the global coronavirus outbreak closes more schools for weeks, and sometimes months—some 300 million children are currently missing class—parents, educators, and policymakers are panicking....
Is Bernie Right about Education in Cuba?
by Guest Post
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders spent a large part of the last week defending earlier statements he made regarding Fidel Castro and Cuba. While denouncing the...
Three Questions Bernie Sanders Can’t Answer
Senator Bernie Sanders is inching closer to securing the Democratic nomination for president, which seemed implausible only five months ago. Still, he has met or...