Category : Education
The Capitalist Blessings of Thanksgiving in Plymouth Colony
Thanksgiving. The holiday we set aside each November to be grateful for our blessings throughout the year. Although the historic celebration between the Pilgrims and...
Chicago Teachers’ Strike Shows Why We Don’t Need Public Schools
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As Chicago teachers’ strike continues with no end in sight, 300,000 students spend another day outside of the public school classroom. Chicago’s mayor, Lori Lightfoot,...
Public Schools: Tearing Human Minds To Pieces?
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Recently CNN and the Human Rights Campaign partnered to present an hours long forum with the Democratic presidential candidates on LGBT issues and the proposed Equality...
If You’re Going To College, Please Take It More Seriously Than I Did…
From kindergarten to adults in college, students are beginning the daily grind of classes, attendance, and (God-forbid) group projects. Many of the Democrat presidential candidates...
Civics 101 for Flyover Country
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Quillette columnist Coleman Hughes, an American of African descent who has “only ever voted for democrats,” made news in June when he testified in front...
Common Roots: A Journey From Statism to Libertarianism (Part I)
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By Aaron Abel Libertarians. We’re a motley assembly, aren’t we? With such varying ideologies from myriad philosophies, it’s a challenge to define our common goals....
Think for Yourself and Question the Benefits of Higher Education
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Graduation season has once again concluded, and 1.9 million Americans have left college behind and graduated with a bachelor’s degree. The social and cultural pressures...
Stop Glorifying Harvard. Kyle Kashuv Will Probably Be Fine
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Conservatives make Harvard more powerful by voicing outrage at Kyle Kashuv’s rescinded admission. Instead, they should reveal Harvard for the fraud it is. Kashuv’s Rescinded...
Francois-Noel Babeuf: The Marxist Before Marx
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The French Revolution produced a parade of fascinating characters, many of them deranged by power and vampire-like in their quest for blood. One of the...
What Happens When Everyone Gets a ‘Free’ Lunch? Money Problems
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A yogurt company, Chobani, has picked up the tab for unpaid school lunches in a Rhode Island school district. That’s a relief to the school district, but...