Top 10 Reasons Why Hispanics Should Vote for Rand Paul

#10. He is a Principled Defender of the 2nd Amendment

The right to bear arms is a right that is unfortunately taken for granted or not respected in many countries across the world. What made America truly exceptional is its enshrinement of this fundamental right in the 2nd Amendment. Many Hispanics come from countries where only the military, corrupt law enforcement agents, and criminals have access to guns. Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela are some of the more lurid case studies that currently demonstrate that gun control policies are not effective means of curbing crime.

Taking it to another extreme, one can look no further at Cuba, and see the current state of tyranny that it faces under the Castro regime. Gun control played a huge role in Fidel Castro’s consolidation of power, which he made sure to implement in order to prevent a potential uprising against his tyrannical regime. The importance of having an armed citizenry can’t be stressed enough.

Rand Paul is a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment. He has received a perfect score from Gun Owners of America, the most principled gun lobby in the U.S. today. As a part of his platform, Paul has vowed to fight and repeal any measures that restrict the U.S.’s sacred right to bear arms.

Many Hispanics have grandparents and parents that escaped their homelands in search of economic and political freedom. The 2nd Amendment is one of the many freedoms that our forebears could not enjoy back in Latin America. Without a shadow of doubt, a Rand Paul presidency will prevent a repeat of the social and political nightmares that our parents had to deal with in their ancestral homelands.

With the Hispanic population growing larger and larger, their impact on U.S. politics can’t be underestimated. They represent a very promising voter base to tap into. Like many immigrants before them, Hispanics have fought tooth and nail to enjoy the benefits of the American Dream. For them to continue reaping these benefits, they must elect leaders that promote freedom in all spheres of life.

Too many politicians these days look at the State as the solution for all of the U.S.’s problems. If the Hispanic community wants politics as usual and lukewarm reforms, there is a laundry list of candidates on both the Republican and Democrat side of the aisle to choose from. On the other hand, if the Hispanic community wants an America characterized by dynamic economic growth and an aura of freedom, Rand Paul is their candidate.

The choice at the voting booth has never been easier.

Vote Rand Paul.

RELATED: The Case For Susana Martinez As Rand Paul’s VP Pick

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