Top 10 Reasons Why Hispanics Should Vote for Rand Paul

#7. He Will Cut Government Spending

While many Hispanic families are tightening their belts during the economic recession, the U.S. government continues to spend way beyond its means. Borrowing and spending, like any other economic activities, have their limits. Eventually, the money will run out and the U.S. will be faced with the following alternatives: 1). Exercising sharp fiscal restraint, 2) Defaulting or going bankrupt, or 3) Astronomically raising taxes in order to futilely pay off the national debt.

Neither of the latter two options bode well for the burgeoning Hispanic community.

Rand Paul does not beat around the bush in matters concerning government spending. In his time in the Senate, Paul has proposed budget plans that contain across the board cuts in government spending. Paul sees no sacred cows in the federal budget —defense spending, education spending, and entitlement spending are all fair game.

In the same vein, Paul proposes a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) to assure that federal government is kept on a strict fiscal diet. The harsh reality is that many Republicans talk a big game about fiscal responsibility, but do not offer concrete spending cuts. In other cases the “cuts” that they propose are effectively reductions in spending increases, a grossly misleading policy proposal.

A Rand Paul presidency will guarantee Hispanics and their progeny a stable fiscal environment where future generations will not be burdened by excessive public debt and high taxes.

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