Mary Margaret Olohan on November 11, 2020 Many media pundits and Democrats have said they are making lists of President Donald Trump’s “sycophants” or...
Audrey Conklin on October 30, 2019 Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned Facebook for not policing political ads in a Wednesday tweet. The failed...
Shelby Talcott A federal judge reversed his ruling Monday and announced that the family of Kentucky teenager Nick Sandmann can sue The Washington Post for...
Peter Hasson The Washington Post passed on a thinly sourced, unproven allegation about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh before the New York Times published it...
Did Abraham Lincoln share a common economic vision with Karl Marx? That’s the thesis of a recent article in the Washington Post, which claims that the 16th president...
The Washington Post has released an editor’s note correcting its spurious coverage of the incident between the elderly Native American Nathan Philips and the teenage...
On February 10th, The “Democracy Dies in Darkness” Washington Post ran an abhorrent piece entitled, “Trump’s War on Socialism Will Fail.” The author, E.J. Dionne,...
Evie Fordham on January 9, 2019 Vice President Mike Pence denied Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s characterization of Wednesday’s shutdown talks as a “temper tantrum” and...