The Washington Post has released an editor’s note correcting its spurious coverage of the incident between the elderly Native American Nathan Philips and the teenage...
HPeter Hasson on February 18, 2019 Liberal actor Jussie Smollett is accused of staging a racist and anti-gay attack on himself, which Smollett blamed on supporters...
Joe Simonson The media smelled blood when a video seemingly showed a group of teenage boys bullying an older Native American protester. Newer videos showed...
LISTEN TO TLR’S LATEST PODCAST: JACK CROWE Political Reporter Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign memoir includes a questionable interpretation of the...
The Huffington Post has a curious relationship with integrity. Allegations of journalistic malpractice made against the Huffington Post are wide ranging, and include claims of...
Will Ricciardella Facebook announced in a blog post Monday that the social media behemoth will be updating their approach to combatting “false news” by...
LISTEN TO TLR’S LATEST PODCAST: By RACHEL STOLTZFOOS 6/15/2017 President Donald Trump called a report he is under investigation for obstruction of justice “phony” in a...
LISTEN TO TLR’S LATEST PODCAST: Chris White Two advisers on the EPA’s science advisory board resigned Friday “in protest” after the Trump administration dismissed the...
LISTEN TO TLR’S LATEST PODCAST: By Rob Shimshock Three university faculty members, at least two of whom are adamantly anti-Trump, will be teaching students how...
LISTEN TO TLR’S LATEST PODCAST: By Grant M. Deltz A bill reportedly approved by German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet will fine social media sites such...