Tomi Lahren Leaves The Blaze After Being “Banned Permanently”Guest PostMarch 26, 2017 by Guest Post LISTEN TO TLR’S LATEST PODCAST: by Micah J. Fleck After a week of uncertainty of Tomi Lahren’s ultimate fate at The Blaze after she was...
Tomi Lahren Is a Hypocrite… And So Are WeElias J. AtienzaMarch 18, 2017 by Elias J. Atienza LISTEN TO TLR’S LATEST PODCAST: by Elias J. Atienza Tomi Lahren is a hypocrite. When she appeared on the View, a lot of people were shocked...
Trump in 2011 Argued in Favor of Amnesty, Said it Showed CompassionGuest PostNovember 5, 2016 by Guest Post by Micah J. Fleck Well, well. Looks like once again we have evidence of Donald Trump speaking like a Democrat prior to his presidential run....
It Would Appear That The Media’s Hypocrisy Knows No BoundsSeptember 18, 2016 by The Media’s Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds by Dallas Brooks “Hypocrite” is a term often used out of context in the duration of an ad hominem...
Bernie Sanders Bashes Uber, Uses It For All His Taxi RidesGuest PostNovember 4, 2015 by Guest Post Blake Neff Just a couple months ago, Bernie Sanders lambasted Uber as an “unregulated” company with “serious problems,” but financial disclosures by the Democratic presidential...
Guess What This $15 Min Wage Advocate Pays Their Workers?Guest PostOctober 26, 2015 by Guest Post Connor D. Wolf An advocacy group out of Modesto, Calif. pushing for a $15 an hour minimum wage posted a job ad Thursday offering to...