Woman Who’s Been On 150 Tinder Dates Tells Men What They’re Doing

The world of online dating can be difficult to navigate for some. Mel Delancy has been on 150 Tinder dates and she wants to give men some pointers on what not to do.

From Aplus.com:

If you’ve ever tried online dating, then you know there are certain dos and don’ts. But surprisingly, so many people get it all wrong — from their opening message, to the way they ask a person out, and the date place they choose, some people really are clueless.

Fortunately, Mel Delancy is here to provide some insight on what makes for a successful online dating exchange. And if you’re going to listen to anyone on the subject, it might as well be this woman, because she’s gone on a whopping 150 Tinder dates.

Now, that’s dedication.

In a video titled “What Men Get Wrong on Dates,” posted to YouTube by Tech Insider, Delancy explains what she’s learned from her history of extensive online dating.

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