Rachel Stoltzfoos Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton supporters are circulating an astonishing screed published by a feminist writer on behalf of the struggling Democratic candidate....
Transgender women are now eligible to participate in biological women’s sports without undergoing sex reassignment surgery, as per the International Olympic Committee’s newly updated guidelines....
Rape Doesn’t Suddenly Become Okay If You’re A Criminal by Avens O’Brien On Thursday, December 10th, Daniel Holtzclaw was found guilty of five counts of...
This Feminist Is Over Being Outraged About Manspreading. Here’s Why. by Avens O’Brien I’m a libertarian feminist. I’ve said it numerous times. I have defined...
By: Laura Meyers Camille Anna Paglia is a BAMF. She’s a a self-described, lesbian dissident feminist, American academic and cultural critic and professor. She’s calls ’em like...
This Circumcision Debate Should Be About The Question: What Is In Chase’s Best Interest? by Avens O’Brien Last week pictures began to flood Facebook News Feeds...
Hillary Clinton Isn’t Making History, She’s Just the Same Old Story by Avens O’Brien he completely unsurprising news broke on Sunday: Hillary Clinton is running for...