Dick Blumenthal Says Brett Kavanaugh’s Drinking Habits From High School And College Are All ‘Fair Game’

Nick Givas

Democratic Sen. Dick Blumenthal of Connecticut tried to focus on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s past drinking habits and called other parts of his personal past “fair game” while speaking with reporters at the Capitol Thursday.

“We are elected to do this job, regardless of who the witnesses are, what this topic is, we’re the ones who vote. We ought to be asking the questions,” Blumenthal said when asked if he would cede any of his questioning time to a female.

“Any of my colleagues, who hide behind a special prosecutor really are failing in their constitutional duties.”

“The people of Connecticut elected me to do my job,” he continued. “I’m not giving time to anyone. In fact, I’m going to be asking for more time if anything, because five minutes is totally inadequate to ask the kinds of questions that go to issues relating to excessive drinking, sexual assault and other issue that are very important here. At the core here is credibility.”

Blumenthal said anything related to Kavanaugh’s past and “credibility” will be considered in bounds and will be discussed at Thursday’s hearing.

“Any issue that bears on credibility — Including sexual assault, excessive drinking, personal relationships, past records, are all fair game in this inquiry,” he concluded.

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