Category : Right to Bear Arms
“Colt Made Me Equal”: A Disabled Libertarian’s Case For Gun Ownership
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not...
Eric Swalwell’s Gun Grabbing Poll Gets Shot Down by Twitter Users
Democratic Presidential Candidate Eric Swalwell posted a poll on Twitter Monday, asking his followers if they would support a ban on assault weapons and a...
OFASTS 2019 – Second Amendment Utopia
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By Jayson L. Wilkins On a hillside outside of Wyandotte Oklahoma, a series of explosions signal the start of the 2019 Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot...
Gun Maker Asks Internet to Name New 9mm. And The Winner Is…
Conventional wisdom should dictate by now that you never ask the internet to come up with a name for anything. The British government learned this...
Gun Rights Made All the Difference for These Intended Victims
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By Amy Swearer & Lucas Drill Contrary to the rhetoric of many gun control advocates, the Second Amendment’s protection of the individual right to keep...
Why the Founders Wanted You to Own Military-Style Weapons
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Two hundred and twenty-seven years ago this month, the U.S. Congress passed the Militia Acts of 1792. This pair of bills authorized the president to lead the...
The Second Amendment Saved These Gun Owners’ Lives in April
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The right to keep and bear arms is based on the natural, immutable right to defend oneself and one’s liberties from crime and tyranny. Unfortunately,...
Eric Swalwell Gets Into Twitter Fight With Austin Petersen, Gets McNuked
Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Rep. Eric Swalwell (CA-D) once famously implied that he would be willing to use nuclear weapons against gun owners who refused...
Powerful Anti-Gun Org Takes Aim at Local Radio Host. He Returns Fire Like a Gangsta
Everybody’s favorite cheerleader for “common sense total and complete gun confiscation,” Shannon R Watts threatened to call the police on Austin Petersen during a Twitter...
Florida Bill Allowing Teachers To Carry Guns Goes To Governor
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Whitney Tipton Republish Reprint Florida lawmakers sent a bill to Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis Wednesday that would allow teachers to carry firearms at school in...