Libertarian Mayor Glenn Jacobs Says “Nay” To Mandatory Face Masks

Libertarian Republican and former WWE superstar, Mayor Glenn Jacobs (Knox County, Tennessee) made headlines this week casting the solo “Nay” Knox County Board of Heath vote against mandatory facial masks requirements.

Read more about the ruling on Knox News:

The order goes into effect Friday and lasts until the board votes to rescind it. Violating it is classified as a Class C misdemeanor, punishable under state law by up to 30 days in jail and a $50 fine. Dr. Patrick O’Brien, the board of health member who proposed the mandate, stressed it should be enforced via warnings, not through fines or jail time. The first warning, he said, should be to give the person a mask.”

Twitter reacted with humor and outrage:

States and counties around the country are implementing mandatory face masks in public. Some places like Kansas Governor Laura Kelly’s mandate are not attaching any criminal offense to  violations.

The Wichita Eagle:

“A new state law removes the possibility of criminal charges for violating pandemic-related executive orders from the governor. If Kelly’s directive falls under the new law, sheriffs and police departments will have few options to enforce it beyond simply encouraging residents to comply – and some law enforcement agencies are ruling out taking any action altogether.”

Whereas in West Hollywood, California not wearing a mask could cost citizens $300!


“Sheriff’s deputies in West Hollywood say they’ll begin fining people spotted without a face covering in public.

The violation carries a $300 price tag for first-time offenders, including a $250 fine and $50 fee, the sheriff’s station said in a tweet.

Deputies said enforcement begins this month, indicating it is effective immediately.”

Medical experts suggest wearing face mask can help reduce the spread of Covid-19, but there are no guarantees. The Mayo Clinic says, “Surgical masks may protect others by reducing exposure to the saliva and respiratory secretions of the mask wearer.”

Are masks required where you live?


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