Former Obama Official: “We Always Knew” Syria Still Had Chemical Weapons


By Kody Fairfield

The Obama administration was not shy about boasting of the removal of chemical weapons out of Syria in 2013.

“We could cut the deal that got 100% of the declared chemical weapons out of Syria. And people nevertheless, have been critical of one day of bombing versus the virtue of getting 100% of the chemical weapons out of Syria, and I ask any of those critics today, where do you think you would be if ISIL, today, had access to those chemical weapons today?”- Sec. of State John Kerry

Unfortunately, it appears that their statements, like other narratives which were pushed for political points may have been far from the truth.

According to the New York TimesTony Blinken, former deputy secretary of state and deputy national security advise, is admitting that the Obama administration was aware of their mistruths.

“We always knew we had not gotten everything, that the Syrians had not been fully forthcoming in their declaration,” Blinken told NYT.

The Blaze reports:

In 2013, the U.S. and Russia inked an agreement with Syria that allegedly turned over the Assad regime’s chemical weapons stockpile to the international community so it could be destroyed.

The deal came after Assad again used chemical weapons against his people — killing more than 1,000 — and crossed then-President Barack Obama’s infamous 2012 “red line” policy, which vowed military intervention if Assad used chemical weapons against his citizens.

Obama and top officials like then-Secretary of State John Kerry and then-national security adviser Susan Rice said at the time the deal allowed the world to come to a peaceful agreement that both prevented more military intervention from the U.S. in the Middle East and protected the Syrian people from being brutally murdered with lethal chemicals at the hands of Assad.

Kerry said in 2014 that the agreement removed “100 percent of the declared chemical weapons out of Syria,” while Rice said in Jan. on NPR the deal was “able to get the Syrian government to voluntarily and verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile.”

According to the Blaze, before Blinken’s statements, there was already evidence that Obama officials were aware that they were lying regarding the possession of chemical weapons by the Syrian government. Most of that evidence comes from comments Obama officials, including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, made last year.

In fact, the American Interest backed this idea, digging into comments made by National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster last week, who said that during targeted U.S. military airstrikes last week in Syria following another chemical weapons attack, “measures” had to be put in place to avoid hitting sarin gas stockpiles. reporting:

If this strike was arranged to avoid hitting sarin storage facilities, the question arises: did the Obama Administration know that such depots still existed after its “historic” deal that supposedly removed all Syria’s chemical weapons?

The signs point to yes. In Congressional testimony last February, Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper acknowledged “gaps and inconsistencies in Syria’s declaration,” validating reports that Syria was still hiding banned chemicals at undisclosed locations. And on its way out the door in January of this year, the Obama Treasury quietly introduced new sanctions against Syrian officials involved in chemical warfare. Buried in the language sanctioning a particular official was a telling admission: “As of 2016, Abbas has continued operating at locations in Syria associated with chemical warfare-related missions.”

Whether or not the Obama Administration knew of this particular sarin facility, then, they clearly knew that Syrians were still clinging to their stockpiles at several locations.

Not shockingly, fact checking websites such as PolitiFact and the Washington Post, who had originally stated that Kerry and Rice’s statements were true, have been quick to change the 2014 statement by the former Secretary of State and Jan. 2017 claims by the former National Security Advisor unequivocally false in recent days.


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