Category : Action for Liberty
Florida Bill: No More Punishing Kids for Playing With Imaginary Guns
by Guest Post
“Pop-Tart Bill” named for a student who was suspended after he chewed a Pop-Tart into the shape of a gun Last year, 8-year-old Jordan...
Multiple Victories Are Stalling Common Core Implementation
by Guest Post
ALBANY, N.Y.–Critics of the new education standards demanded by Common Core have gained traction at the state and national level this week. New York legislators...
Mother Gives Powerful Speech Against Obama’s Military Kidnapping Bill (VIDEO)
CLARK COUNTY, NV – After waiting eight hours, Daphne Lee was given five minutes at a meeting of the Clark County Commission to speak out...
Justin Amash is recruiting with the slogan: Join the Rebel Alliance!
Help Us Obi-Amash, You’re Our Only Hope Michigan congressman Justin Amash (R) is branding his re-election campaign with a Star Wars theme titled: “The Establishment...
Should We Be Free To Sell Our Own Bone Marrow To Save Lives? (VIDEO)
Feds Trying To Block Bone Marrow Donors As if the Obamacare rollout wasn’t enough of a health disaster, now the federal government is going after...
Beautiful! Citizens of Utah Rally Behind Two Sisters, Feeding Poor during Gov’t Shutdown
Without government, who would help the underprivileged? HARRISVILLE, UT – Kristen Smith and Kaitlyn Ford have been furiously picking pears since the start of the...
They took his gun, his child and his freedom. Now he’s taking them back! (VIDEO)
“God forbid anyone move state to state, because they’re going to end up behind bars.” In 2009 Brian Aitken’s parents had dialed 911, worried that he...
Second California County Votes For Secession! A Third County Prepping to Join!
The Modoc County Board of Supervisors voted to join their neighboring county of Siskiyou in a bid to secede from the State of California....
10 Easy Ways To Undermine Big Government – A Citizen’s Guide
Save money on taxes and fees Keith Farrell The government is big and getting bigger. Last week, federal agents from the EPA heavily armed and...
Kevin Sorbo promoting new libertarian movie!
Rebel filmmakers seeking distribution for new movie get a leg up from Hercules, the Legendary Sorbo by J. Neil Schulman When in July 2010 international...