7 Ways Government Policies Hurt Black People

#3. Public Education

Public education has done unspeakable amounts of harm to blacks that even the KKK could never dream of doing. Characterized by inefficiency and over-bearing bureaucracy, inner city public schools are guaranteed poverty traps for countless numbers of blacks. Many a troubled youth must turn to drug dealing and other illicit activities just to get by. To add insult to injury, these schools look more and more like prisons, as many students must pass through metal detectors and checkpoints supervised by security guards.

This is not a friendly learning environment by any means; this is a system that clearly benefits bureaucrats, administrators, and bad teachers at the expense of the students.

Free-market solutions to education are the best ways for the black community to defeat the poverty trap that is public education. There is no need to throw more money at a strategy that has failed time and time again.

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