Trump’s Latest Flip-Flop On Libya Helps Hillary, Betrays Non-Interventionist Supporters

Donald Trump admits he was for the Libyan intervention just like Hillary Clinton

by Joey Clark

Donald Trump is a “riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma” which is a nice way of saying he’s honestly full of horse dung. Yet, it seems a large segment of the American people is quite ready to be led like flies to the dung pile — on immigration, on trade, on civil liberties, on foreign policy, on basic human decency — as they dance all the way to the dump to the song of Trump’s utter hypocrisy and lack of integrity.

For a recent example, Donald Trump has spent most of the campaign rightfully bashing Hillary Clinton for the Libyan invasion that put down the mad dog of the Middle East, Muammar Qaddafi. He has rightfully called Libya a mess and a training ground for terrorists. And by saying such things, he has given hope to many who are skeptical of American military intervention abroad that they have found a fellow traveller in the Donald on foreign policy

Yet, he has now dashed such hopes after idiotically saying on Face the Nation that he would have been for the Libyan intervention as long as it had been a “surgical” strike free of unintended consequences:

JOHN DICKERSON: This is one of the things that confuses some people about your positions. You said you weren’t for intervention, but you were for intervention in Libya.

DONALD TRUMP: I didn’t mind surgical. And I said surgical. You do a surgical shot and you take them out.

But I wasn’t for what happened. Look at the way it’s—look at—with Benghazi and with all of the problems that you have had. It was handled horribly.

DICKERSON: But you said you were never for intervention.

TRUMP: I was never for a strong intervention. I could have seen surgical, where you take out Qaddafi and his group.

So, not only has Donald Trump absolved Hillary Clinton’s awful role in the Libyan invasion with these comments, he has also shown himself to be either an utter liar, a complete moron, or simply a power-hungry politician willing to say anything to anyone on any given day. But most importantly, he has made fools of those who hoped a Trump presidency would mean a break with the foreign policy of the past two decades.

You see, Trump isn’t against foolish military interventions abroad, per say. He’s against such intervention because he wasn’t leading them with manure-filled brain.

It makes one wonder: what other aspects of government will Trump come to embrace when he is the one in power?

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