Trump Mocks Carson: “Anybody Have A Knife, Want To Try It On Me?”

From our friends at

By Jennifer Duplessie

Donald Trump is at it again: attacking Carson this time for something a little more personal. During a 95-minute speech given by Trump at a local community theater Thursday night, he vitally attacked and mocked Carson’s anger issues during his youth.

“How stupid are the people of the country?”

Carson has passed Trump in recent polls, and is now not trailing far behind. Is this Trump’s attempt to turn the American people against Carson all together?

Trump began his speech repeatedly calling Carson “pathological,” even comparing him to a child molester.

“If you’re a child molester, a sick puppy, you’re a child molester, there’s no cure for that. There’s only one cure—we don’t want to talk about that cure.”

Next, Trump discussed Carson’s story regarding him reportedly attempting to stab a friend.

“He took a knife, and he went after a friend, and he lunged that knife into the stomach of his friend. But low and behold, it hit the belt, and the knife broke. Give me a break.”

In addition to Trump’s overly dramatic attitude, he was implying that Carson’s story was in fact not real. He proceeded to step aside from the podium and play out Carson’s story.

“I have a belt. Somebody hits me with a belt. It’s going in because the belt moves this way, it moves that way. Anybody have a knife, want to try it on me? Believe me it ain’t going to work.”

Trump moved on to mock Carson’s religious breakthrough, which Carson claims happened after the stabbing.

“So what he’s saying is that these series of events, and he goes into the bathroom for a couple of hours, and he comes out and now he’s religious… It doesn’t happen that way… don’t be fools.  How stupid are the people in Iowa? How stupid are the people of this country?”

This isn’t the first incident where Trump has attacked other candidates. His speeches indulge on putting others down, however he remains number one in the polls. The question is: will these attacks keep him at the top, or is he taking it too far?



Follow the author on Twitter: @JennyDuplessie




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