Top 5 Things Rand Paul Can Do To Reboot His Campaign

Paul’s Path to the Nomination is Still Clear

by Josh Guckert

The second prime-time Republican debate is tomorrow night on CNN, and no candidate has more to gain than Senator Rand Paul. Having been considered a front-runner for more than a year, Paul’s polling numbers have taken a hit as the race has focused on political newcomers like Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina. However, it is likely that these other candidates do not have the same staying power as Rand Paul does. At this point, Paul’s campaign just has to strike the right notes in order to leap to the front of the field. Here are five suggestions as to what Senator Paul can do:

1. Tune Out the Negative Vibes

This Presidential election is not going to be won in September (or October, November or December). Senator Paul must only maintain his position “on the stage” (both literally and figuratively) in order to retain relevance. There are plenty, from all parts of the political spectrum, who would love nothing more than to see the Paul campaign fail so that they can gloat about having been “right” that such an unorthodox candidate cannot succeed. But when it comes to campaign season, these are the times that try men’s souls. Paul cannot be shaken by that which is beyond his control; he must rather stay on message and continue to be the statesman who has captivated audiences across the country. All campaigns face struggles; it is how these campaigns handle this adversity which define what they become.

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