Race-Baiting Tariq Nasheed’s Viral Post BackfiresCamellia PetersonApril 28, 2021 by Camellia Peterson Last Sunday, a video of a Holiday Inn employee having a ‘meltdown’ while being berated by an angry customer went viral. It exploded on Twitter...
COVID Craze: Cigar Thief Refuses to Wear Mask, Shoots Clerk and PoliceCaleb ShumateAugust 5, 2020 by Caleb Shumate Covid-19 madness intensifies with the story of a 35-year-old Pennslyvania man shooting at a store clerk who tried to force the man to wear a...
Cop Shoots Mentally Ill Man Over JaywalkingEmmanuel SessegnonJanuary 6, 2019 by Emmanuel Sessegnon *A Jackson County grand jury ruled Eagle Point Police Officer Daniel Cardenas was legally justified in fatally shooting Matthew Graves inside a Carl’s Jr. bathroom...