Pro-Abortion Bloomberg’s $10M Super Bowl Ad Says He’s ‘Fighting For Every Child’

Mary Margaret Olohan 

2020 Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg released a campaign ad that says Bloomberg is “fighting for every child,” though the candidate supports abortion access.

Bloomberg’s campaign released the ad “George” Thursday, a Super Bowl ad about gun violence that will cost Bloomberg about $10 million, Politico reported.

“Lives are being lost every day. It is a national crisis,” Texas mother Calandrian Simpson Kemp, whose 20-year-old son was shot and killed in September 2013, said in the ad. “I heard Mike Bloomberg speak.”

“He’s been in this fight for so long,” she said. “He heard mothers crying, so he started fighting.”

“When I heard Mike was stepping into the ring, I thought, ‘Now we have a dog in the fight,’” Kemp added. “I know Mike is not afraid of the gun lobby. They’re scared of him, and they should be.”

“Mike’s fighting for every child,” Kemp said. “Because you have a right to live. No one has a right to take your hopes and dreams.”

Bloomberg has promised to “expand access to reproductive health services” by codifying Roe v. Wade and repealing the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal funding of abortion except to save the mother’s life. He has also promised to abolish domestic and global abortion gag rules that President Donald Trump’s administration has put in place.

Bloomberg’s campaign did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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Image: Ralph Alswang

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