Paul Ryan: Sanctuary Cities Are A Violation Of The Rule Of Law

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By Juliegrace Brufke

House Speaker Paul Ryan said Republican lawmakers are looking to put an end to sanctuary cities during a town hall hosted by CNN Thursday.

When questioned by Mary Anne Mendoza — the mother of slain police officer Police Sgt. Brandon Mendoza, who was killed by an illegal immigrant who had a criminal history — on what Ryan planned to do to prevent similar instances in the future, Ryan said he was in complete agreement with President-elect Donald Trump’s call to deport violent criminals.

Currently, sanctuary cities restrict law enforcement officers from providing federal immigration officials with information on immigration status. But, that is going to change soon, according to Ryan.

“Sanctuary cities are a violation of the rule of law and they are not to be tolerated, we agree with that 100 percent,” he said. “And that means if you want federal assistance, you’re not going to get it — you have to enforce the law.”

Trump has stressed the importance of fixing the policy, calling on Congress to address the issue quickly after he takes office, Ryan said

“What the president-elect has asked us to do is focus on two things in Congress with respect to the issue immediately — and that’s what we’re doing,” Ryan continued. “We’re getting Congress working on that now, and that’s to secure the border and to enforce our laws with respect to violent criminals who are illegal aliens.”

GOP lawmakers are working on legislation to assure resources are allocated to assure the border is secure, Ryan said.

“We passed this law, I voted for this, 2006 I think, ten years ago, to secure the border, and it never got done because of this past administration,” he said. “We now have a president serious about securing the border, he’s telling us it’s one of the top six things he wants to get done in Congress, and we said absolutely.”

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