Why Mitch McConnell Must Resign


By Lee Enochs

The hapless and ineffectual Mitch McConnell must immediately resign as Senate Majority Leader. While this reality is long overdue, being the disastrous architect of the Republican’s most recent healthcare debacle should seal his fate.

The handwriting is clearly on the wall and as wise King Solomon once wrote, “There is a season for everything under heaven. There is a time to be born and a time to die.” Similarly, the time of Mitch McConnell’s reign as majority leader has come and gone. We Republican’s need new leadership in the US Senate.

The question now must be asked, just why exactly is McConnell the leader of the senate Republicans in the first place? In the seven years since the GOP has maintained the majority in congress, McConnell has got nothing passed. If you can name one piece of major legislation that Mitch McConnell has helped become law, I would like to know it.

As a life-long Republican I expect results from the leaders of my party, not the relentless mediocrity and failure we keep getting from McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

For a politician who is supposed to be a “legislative wizard,” McConnell didn’t pull any new rabbits out his tired old hat to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Instead of working to pass a healthcare bill that every American could be proud of, McConnell failed to use the normative legislative process. Instead of sending healthcare to Senate committees for open debate, he stealthily put together a group of 13 GOP senators to craft a bill behind closed doors.

This disingenuous activity locked Democrats out of the legislative process and it excluded the rest of the Republicans in the Senate.

The result of Mitch McConnell’s miscalculation was epic failure for President Trump, the entire Republican Party and ultimately, the American people who are still stuck with the reprehensible, costly and unconstitutional monstrosity known as the Affordable Care Act.

This is the season of the Republican’s discontent and after McConnell’s most recent epic failure, it is time for him to go.

EDITOR’s NOTE: The views expressed are those of the author, they are not necessarily representative of The Libertarian Republic or its sponsors


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