Is A Tesla Convoy Army Heading To DC?

Tesla’s Elon Musk has been a vocal supporter of the Canadian Truckers Convoy that descended on Ottowa. He has recently tweeted that “Canadian Truckers Rule.”

A recent (and substantial) donation made to the Canadian Trucker GoFundMe seems to have Musk’s fingerprints on it. The donation came from the name “” (which redirects to Justin Trudeau’s Wikipedia Page) for the amount of $42,069. 

Musk has had an affinity for pairing the numbers 420 and 69 together, previously slashing the price of the Tesla Model S to $69,420. Musk’s birthday is on June 28th, exactly 69 days after 4/20. 

However the donation no longer appears on the GoFundMe campaign since GoFundMe decided to freeze the campaign funds, and Canadian officials are attempting to have those funds turned over to the government instead of the truckers. Whoever the donor was apparently had the donation refunded in light of those developments. 

Musk has also been critical of the Biden Administration for refusing to acknowledge Tesla as an EV Leader. Biden has instead lavished praise on Ford and GM for being the EV Leaders, who have developed and sold far fewer electric vehicles than Tesla. Musk praised journalist Sara Eisen, who pressed Brian Deese, White House Director of the Economic Council, on their refusal to say the word “Tesla.”

A petition has also been circulating to compel the Biden Administration to acknowledge Tesla.

While online petitions are popular, realistically they achieve little or nothing. The Tesla community, much like Musk himself, value results.

Tesla owners appear to be brewing a plan to force the Tesla name on the Administration by making it unavoidable. This plan is to flood DC streets with an army of Tesla vehicles until Biden can say the word “Tesla.” While this appears to be in the beginning stages, many Tesla owners appear to be supportive. Some have floated the date 4/20 for DC arrival.

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