‘Hookers For Hillary’ Go All In Before Nevada Caucuses

by Guy Bentley

As former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton looks to shake off a heavy defeat in New Hampshire with a bounce-back in Nevada and South Carolina, her campaign has received a ringing endorsement from some the country’s most famous working girls.

The ladies at the legal brothel Moonlite Bunny Ranch, who organized themselves as Hookers for Hillary in April 2015 to support the Democratic candidate, are once again speaking out about why they want another Clinton in the White House.

The four principal reasons Hookers for Hillary are supporting the Democratic front-runner are protecting healthcare reform, foreign policy experience, support for agencies that protect the public’s health and preventing a return to supply-side economics.

On the last point, the Nevada Bunnies argue that former President Bill Clinton’s time in the office was the most prosperous era in the ranch’s history, while also coinciding with a tax increase.

“Thriving economies are built from the bottom up, where the vast majority of their clients originate. A return to relying on the disproven theory of trickle-down economics would only serve to exclude the vast majority of hard-working Bunny Ranch clients from having the discretionary income to enjoy with their favorite Bunny,” said the bunnies.

Speaking to The Guardian, 26-year-old mother of two Entice Love, who works at the ranch said:

I’m for Hillary because she’s cracking down on domestic violence. I’ve been in a relationship for a long time where I’d been thrown down stairs, black eyes, fractured ribs … When I’m looking at who I want to pick for the presidency, I look at what are they doing that I can relate to that will be of benefit for me. That’s why I was for Obama, now I’m for Hillary.

But not all the bunnies are on board for Hillary. 26-year-old Texan Taylor Lee told The Guardian she was pushed to vote for Hillary, but would instead caucus for socialist rival Bernie Sanders.

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