Gun Rights Are the Solution for Europe’s Terror Threat

Arming Citizens is Most Effective Way to Stop Terrorists

After every terror attack, politicians and pundits rush to the microphones to pass judgment. Some call for stricter gun control measures. Other politicians target specific groups of people, such as Muslims. Rarely do any proposals advance liberty.

However, Interpol had a suggestion in 2015 that rings as true today as it did then. What’s more, it serves to both advance freedom and curtail terrorism. Per, Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble had called for citizens to arm themselves to prevent terror attacks.

In Noble’s opinion, our options to stop terrorists are, “either create secure perimeters around the locations or allow civilians to carry their own guns to protect themselves.”

But Noble points out that governments can never fully protect their people, saying, “you can’t have armed police forces everywhere.” The idea of trying to police peaceful citizens as the answer is an affront to freedom.

Related: San Bernardino Massacre Proves Liberals DEAD Wrong On Gun Contol

Europeans are facing heightened threats from Islamic extremists, however, tend to be leery of gun rights. Americans, on the other hand, are more receptive. While some liberals will oppose any measures that allow people to defend themselves, their policy prescriptions are routinely discarded.

Unarmed Citizens Make Easy Targets

In reality, making people sitting ducks is the worst way to prevent terror attacks. Noble referenced al-Qaeda calls to focus on “soft targets.” In the age of ISIS, this strategy doesn’t seem to have changed.

ISIS and their agents have repeatedly targeted malls and other public areas. Just about every time, they face no resistance until police come to clean up the mess. That’s the most important thing to remember in this debate: police only show up after a crime has already commenced.

Many civilians would be uncomfortable combating terrorists in a threatening situation. These people would be under no obligation to carry. Citizens who are capable of handling a firearm, however, could be a game-changer.

Ex-Navy SEAL Dom Raso and others like him have laid into gun-free malls in the past, noting how they turn civilians into easy targets. The old adage holds true that the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.

The continuing string of attacks across Europe show us how terrorism is evolved. ISIS and their affiliates don’t play by any rules of decency. Considering this, it’s time for free citizens to start exercising their fundamental rights to self-defense. Europe needs to get over its aversion to firearms and embrace gun rights.

Terrorists can be stopped before they’re allowed to wreak havoc on unsuspecting civilians. An armed population may not solve all problems, but it’ll go a long way in evening the odds.




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