Glenn Beck Announces He’s On Trump Train in 2020: Austin Petersen and Dave Rubin Along for the Ride

Conservative commentator and founder of The Blaze Media Glenn Beck announced that he would vote for President Donald Trump’s re-election in spite of not voting for him during his first presidential bid in 2016.

“Who didn’t vote for @realDonaldTrump in 2016 – but will in 2020, like me. I can’t be alone. I couldn’t vote for either last time. I just didn’t trust he would do what promised. He may be the first politician in my lifetime that DID keep his word. What was it for you?” Beck tweeted Monday in a now-viral tweet.

Glenn’s viral tweet appears to be welcome news to many in his audience with 24.3K total retweets and 114.9K likes.

Glenn was a very outspoken opponent of Donald Trump prior to the 2016 election, fearing that Trump was a progressive Republican who would attempt to further grow government past its constitutional bounds.

“He’s a progressive,” Beck said of Trump. “He’s a progressive, Bill. He has a clear, long history of progressive tactics. I mean, his answer on the border was, the reason why we’re having these problems is because the people in Washington, DC are stupid. That’s pretty much his answer on everything, implying that if we just have smarter people in Washington, DC, we can run the government better. That’s a progressive idea.”, Beck told Bill O’ Reilly on Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor in 2015.

Beck has since publicly apologized to President Trump for what he says were “misjudgments” on his part regarding the president’s character, making a distinction between areas where they disagree on policy and Trump’s character. He also addressed the fact that he has given Trump credit on the areas where he feels he has delivered on his campaign promises.

Glenn is joined in his change of heart by notable media figures 2016 LP candidate and host of the KWOS Morning Show Austin Petersen and Dave Rubin of the political talk show “The Rubin Report”. 

“Hey, Glenn. I will. I ran against him but things are different now. He will get my vote barring any unforeseen circumstances.”, Petersen tweeted.

Voted for Gary Johnson last time. Trump this time…” said Dave Rubin via Twitter.

It seems several of Donald Trump’s most vocal critics in 2016 have happily boarded the “Trump Train” for its second trip down the tracks.

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