Find Ways to Focus on Benefits to Boost Company Morale in 2024 and Beyond

Keeping company morale on the upswing is never easy even during the most perfect of circumstances. Boosting morale during the COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, proved difficult if not impossible, while working teams were broken apart on a physical level as work-at-home orders were issued for those few lucky employees who still had a job. Unfortunately, many office workers were “furloughed” during the great pandemic never to return to their livelihood ever again. 

This lesson on keeping your company going and morale high is not something easily lost on businesses that have not only survived the pandemic but are not back to thriving in a physical office setting. It’s the officers, managers, and owners of these companies that have come to realize that boosting employee morale should be conducted on a personal level. This can include something as basic and pride-instilling as rewarding deserving employes with custom awards. 

Says the professionals at EDCO.COM creators of custom trophies proudly made in the USA, statues, plaques, and personalize trophies constructed out of high-quality materials like acrylic, glass, and crystal are much sought after in today’s return-to-the-office, teamwork environment. In particular two stand-out employee, morale-boosting products are made from clear acrylic, laser-cut in-house to match a specific or custom shape and engraved beautifully in vibrant color.   

That said, what are some other important ways to focus on benefits to boost company morale in 2024? According to a recent report by Forbes, you might want to go to a professional recruiter to find some answers. Says one licensed recruiter the magazine interviewed, to retain valuable talent while constructing a welcoming work environment, lots of businesses are said to be ramping up benefits engineered to enhance employee engagement.  

In a word, happy workers are expected to contribute to higher profits along with increased productivity. On the other hand, high stress, stagnant wages, poor management, and lack of job security can take their toll on many of today’s employees. A recent Gallup poll discovered that at least 62 percent of workers were not engaged in their job, while 15 percent were “actively disengaged.” This is said to account for close to $9 trillion in lost productivity.    

Naturally, businesses cannot control all the factors that can impact an employee’s engagement. For instance, simple economic conditions can get in the way of a worker’s ability to secure a new role in or outside the company. This can lead to extreme personal frustration and in turn, poor performance. A person’s mental health can also have an impact on production. It’s believed that employee well-being for young workers declined in 2023. Many reported feeling lonely on the job.    

Ideas For Increasing Workplace Morale

Tackling the ever-ongoing challenge of employee engagement can seem like an impossibly tall order. However, there are some simple steps that can be taken to make a big difference. Some of these are the following: 

–Enhanced communications with feedback sessions and even town halls. 

–Offer worker development and growth opportunities such as access to courses and training. 

–Regularly reward and publicly recognize specific, deserving employees for a job well done with trophies and custom awards. This will go a long way towards boosting overall company morale. 

–Better train the managers. Engaged and up-to-date managers are said to be more likely to oversee engaged workers. 

Another way companies can keep up with employee engagement is by taking a deep dive into their personal benefits package and reevaluating it to make certain it is both competitive and that it appeals to their place in the workforce. Company managers and owners can make innovative additions to their benefits packages which is a major plus for workers.  

These benefit additions can separate the business from other similar businesses. For example, benefits can be used to promote a positive workplace environment. These are said to be some of today’s interesting benefit trends:  

–Unlimited vacation time: Some companies are now experimenting with unlimited paid time off to better promote work-life balance. If a worker’s productivity meets or exceeds expectations, business might consider removing restrictions that limit vacation time. Taking time off will increase an employee’s production when they returns to work. 

–Student Loan Repayment Program: Student loan debt is out of control. It’s said that at least 43 million Americans are struggling with outstanding student debt. Companies that offer loan repayment assistant programs are proving attractive to new graduates hungry to begin their professional careers. 

–Stipends for Home Office: By offering hybrid and remote work like that during the pandemic, companies can enhance worker morale by offering them stipends to outfit their home office. A win/win for employee and company.   

Creating a happy, productive employee in 2024 and beyond is not rocket science. All it takes is a few strategic moves and a better focus on benefits that will directly lead to boosting company morale. 

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