Clinton Recommendation Makes Mockery of Rule of Law

FBI Disregards Justice, Recommends No Charges

In a shocking development, FBI director James Comey recommended no charges be filed against Hillary Clinton, following the conclusion of the agency’s investigation into her use of a private email server. Comey even acknowledged that Clinton clearly misused her personal email server to handle classified information. Calling the behavior of her and her aides “extremely careless,” the FBI did not find any intention to violate the law.

This sets a troubling precedent that seems to reaffirm that laws are just for us plebs. Apparently, the lack of malevolence on Clinton’s part makes up for the blatant mishandling of classified documents. Putting America’s security at risk is fine, as long as you didn’t really mean it. As one might imagine, Donal Trump was not amused.

In all reality, there was likely no true malicious intent behind Clinton’s actions. That being said, this gross incompetence that has become the norm for government cannot be allowed to stand. Government officials should not be able to leverage their status to escape culpability for their actions. If an average citizen were to so heavily compromise national security, treason charges would likely be brought up. Instead, Hillary gets a slight slap on the wrist and is free to go.

Taking to Facebook, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul voiced his discontent with the ruling:

As Senator Paul mentioned, former President Clinton’s meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch is shady at best. The fact that it came mere days before the FBI handed out a “get out of jail free” card is all the more troubling. This corrupt behavior has become the norm with the Clintons, and this is just another part of their legacy flaunting the law.

If average citizens could get such leniency for their crimes, the law would scarcely ever be obeyed. If people could just prove that they didn’t mean to break the law, they could flippantly disregard any authority figures. After all, that’s the standard that’s being set by Secretary Clinton. Get friends in high places and deny everything, that’s the real way the law works.

There’s an old saying that ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it. In this case, it’s hard to even imagine that Clinton was ignorant in her wrongdoings. Comey noted that “all of these emails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff.” Not even the most cursory efforts were made to keep this information, and America for that matter, safe.

The effect of this acquittal on the 2016 election is yet to be seen. With Donald Trump still posting largely unfavorable poll numbers, it seems like the race is still Hillary’s to lose. That being said, Americans should stay cognoscente of the fact that events like these will likely become the norm in a Hillary administration. While it’s popular to say politicians are criminals, in this case it actually seems to hold true.

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