There are a lot of ways to spend less money on purchases and save on holiday expenses. Hundreds of books have been written about them. But perhaps the shortest advice you can give online shoppers is to weigh the real need for purchase because this is not a supermarket, where it is so easy to be tempted to buy something. Shopping online often gives us an undeniable advantage: time to think and look for better deals.
What to Do to Spend Less on Holidays
1. Study sales charts
Sales in online stores, as a rule, coincide with the same events in traditional offline ones and are often associated with various holidays (although not necessarily). During this period, goods can be bought not just at discounts, but at huge discounts: some stores set prices 70% or even 80% lower than the original ones. For example, can help you find last-minute deals from all stores for any occasion.
There are many reasons for the sales. The most popular are holiday sales, during which people are especially active in shopping preparing gifts for relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Talking about the most massive and popular sales then this, of course, are Christmas sales which will start on Black Friday (Friday after Thanksgiving). They last almost a whole month, and discounts are the largest at this time.
Christmas sales are followed by a period of Christmas sales. They do not last as long as Christmas ones and are not as popular. But you can still manage to buy certain goods during such sales very profitably. After New Year’s sales, there is a lull after which the sales start on Valentine’s Day. They start one to two weeks before the holiday and are valid only for a certain group of goods, for example, souvenirs for lovers.
2. Looking for things at closed sales
Closed sales on sites last for a short period, usually several days, during which the goods can be purchased at a very large discount (up to 90%). Similar promotions are constantly held at closed sales sites, but experienced buyers can also sort things out very quickly because the main skill of those who want to buy something at such sales is to come to it on time and buy without any hesitation.
3. Looking for the best offers
Actually, the shopping tricks have long been studied up and down by experienced shoppers. However, let’s recall the main features:
-if the seller does not indicate the shipping cost to your region but writes that it is possible to deliver the product, you should definitely clarify this point, especially if you are going to participate in the auction;
-all sorts of little things can vary significantly in price on different sites.
4. Remember discount aggregators
There are also some basic rules that will help you use the discount aggregator sites correctly:
-choose inexpensive coupons
-before buying a coupon, call the institution at the numbers indicated;
-see photos and/or reviews.
5. Save on shipping
Orders both from global online auctions and simply from sites can be profitable from all sides, except for the cost of delivery. In this case, there are several options for where or how to buy to reduce the cost of delivery.
Search for the same products but in closer countries. Another option is to join joint purchases. Such events have long been known to the forums regulars; for those who are not up to date — it is the combination of many orders of certain goods to make the cost lower.
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