10 Thomas Jefferson Quotes…. That Are Totally Fake

#6. “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.”

I sort of feel like an idiot here, because I’m pretty sure I’ve quoted this spuriously myself a few times. But Jefferson never said it! It’s SOOOOO cool though. Well, since Jefferson didn’t say it, maybe I can take credit? Elizabeth Huff sussed this all out when she wrote in 2001:

It is clear that the quotation came into use at least as early as the 19th century, although when it was used, it was not attributed to a particular author and was often referred to as an “old adage.” It is not clear where the phrase originated from, but there is no proof that Jefferson ever uttered these words. It appears that the phrase became connected to Jefferson around 1973, and from then on, it is almost always attributed to him when quoted – usually in the context of homemaking or education.

Thanks for ruining our fun Liz. We’ll know who to call when we need a party pooper.

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