Sovereign Citizens Declare their Rights Under Natural Law!
Joining a chorus of Americans crying out for relief from big government, Western Marylander Scott Strzelcyk has started the Western Maryland Initiative to begin formal proceedings to sever his regions ties to liberal-leaning Maryland.
Their declaration reads:
“We, the people of Garrett, Allegany, Washington, Frederick, and Carroll County intend to separate from the State of Maryland and form the new state of Western Maryland.
We intend to exercise our right of self-determination and self-governance to better secure our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Annapolis has repeatedly injured us and abridged or denied our fundamental rights and violated numerous articles in the Maryland Declaration of Rights. Our pleas for redress of grievances to the General Assembly and the Governor are ignored or rebuffed.”
Western Marylander Movement Facebook Page
Strzelczyk and the western sovereigns are sick and tired of being governed under Annapolis’s liberal majority. They claim their natural rights to form a more perfect union similar to the original Declaration of Independence, detailing their long train of usurpations and abuses in a recent article from the Washington Post:
In response to ever tightening restrictions on energy exploration and gun ownership, the citizens of ten counties in northern Colorado are proposing the creation of a new state, to be called North Colorado. Supporters of the movement believe that cities dominated by progressive thought, such as Denver, fail to understand and represent the interests of their northern, rural counterparts. The northerners therefore see no reason why they should be forced to abide by rules set down by what are, for all intents and purposes, foreigners to their way of life.
Click to read about Colorado’s secessionist movement: Will there be a 51st state? (29 Jul 2013)
Almost one million American citizens have petitioned the White House to secede from the Union. That is more than the amount of people who died in the War Between The States. Anti-government sentiment in the United States is at an all time high and job performance opinions of congress are very low. The nation seems gripped with Civil War fever in light of the secession issue and the success of the recent historical motion picture biopic Lincoln. A great many from the social democratic underclass responded quickly with demands that petitioners be stripped of their citizenship. Documentarian Ken Burns was quick to point out that secessionists and those who opposed the elevation of Amb. Susan Rice to Secretary of State were probably racist.
Click to read: Is Secession Racist? (27 Nov 2012)
America was built on secession. After her successful break from Britain, The Union was established to “secure these rights among men.” The Constitution as it was written was a great compromise at a convention built on guile and intrigue amongst America’s founding fathers. The competing factions at that hall in Philadelphia ultimately sowed the seeds for the partisan divide in politics we have today. Federalists wanted a strong central government. Anti-Federalists wanted none of it. The Federalists won and the Anti-Federalists backstopped our liberties the best they could with a Bill of Rights. These United States were born. We successfully seceded.
But is it time to secede? Read: Is it time for the states to secede from the UNION? (14 Nov 2012)
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