Here Are Some of Donald Trump’s Most Disgustingly Sexist Remarks


In yet another feud stemming back to 2006, Trump referred to Rosie O’ Donnell as a “pig.” During an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Trump proclaims, “Well Rosie O’ Donnell is disgusting, I mean, both inside and out. You take a look at her- she’s a slob, she talks like a truck driver.” Resurrecting the feud ten years later during the first presidential debate, Trump once again spurned O’Donnell into action, prompting her to slam him on Twitter. Declaring her support for Clinton, O’Donnell called on followers to “shame the Donald.”



During a notorious episode of The Apprentice, Brett Michaels explains to Trump how fellow apprentice contestant, Brande Roderick, dropped down her knees in an impassioned plea to Michaels’ team. In response, Trump interrupts Michaels to address Roderick, snidely remarking “Must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees.”


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