Trump Doesn’t Consult His Own Press Sec About Tweets

By Phillip Stucky

President-elect Donald Trump doesn’t consult with his new press secretary before he tweets, according to a Wednesday report from The Wall Street Journal.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer doesn’t get advance warning or even a memo whenever the incoming president decides to make an announcement over his expansive social media network, it was announced during a conference at the University of Chicago.

“I do not know, I do not get a memo [about the tweets],” Spicer said during the discussion. “He drives the train on this.”

Spicer asserts that Trump’s decision to control his own Twitter account makes his job “exciting.” “You know that he can drive a message and influence people in a way that hasn’t been done before,” Spicer added.

“Trump is a strategic thinker,”  Spicer said during the meeting, asserting that Trump’s tweets are far from random. “He thinks about where things are going to end up.”

Trump used his Twitter account throughout the campaign to make announcements about key posts, as well as to respond to polls and articles that cast the President-elect in a negative light.

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