Transparency Group Demands Proof Of Russian Hacking In New Lawsuit

By Kevin Daley

The James Madison Project, a transparency and accountability group, has filed a lawsuit in federal court demanding that several security and intelligence agencies furnish evidence that foreign interests interfered in the November election.

The U.S. government publicly accused Russia of orchestrating hacks of Democratic and Republican political organizations in October. President Obama has asked the intelligence community to produce a comprehensive report on the matter before he leaves office Jan. 20.

The lawsuit, first flagged by Politico, was filed in the U.S. District Court in Washington. It accuses the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Justice, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the Department of Homeland Security of ignoring Freedom of Information Act requests related to Russian interference in the general election, as well as alleged unauthorized leaks of sensitive information to campaign surrogates for President-elect Donald Trump(RELATED: Kellyanne’s Husband Under Consideration For Top Legal Role)

Louise Mensch, president of Heat Street, is also party to the lawsuit.

“JMP has a legal right under the FOIA to obtain the information it seeks, and there is no legal basis for the denial by the [Department Of Justice National Security Division] of said right,” the lawsuit reads.

In addition to information concerning Russian interference in the election, the plaintiffs are also seeking records concerning leaks from FBI sources to General Michael Flynn and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Both men made comments in media concerning the FBI’s investigation of former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State, which they sourced to contacts in the Bureau.

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