Top 5 Reasons Self-Driving Cars are the Greatest Invention in Generations

  • Smoother Traffic Flow

    The onboard computers could react faster and with greater control than human drivers, allowing self-driving cars to travel both faster and closer together than current cars can. This could be further enhanced by the computers possibly being able to communicate with each other at some point, making the roads much safer. Lower chances of crashing would mean that congestion would be eased, more people would arrive at their destinations on time or even early, reckless driving would be reduced, goods could be transported more quickly, and overall road travel would be safer and more efficient. And current self-driving cars retain the ability to be driven normally simply by the person in the driver’s seat taking the wheel and tapping the brake. The car will then be under their control once more. This is important in the event that the self-driving feature is disabled and the car must be driven manually; this is why driving will remain a useful skill as long as cars continue to be used for transportation, as well as why this feature will likely always be available.

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