The Four Pillars of Western Society, According to Liberal Feminists

Hold onto your privilege and find a safe space to crawl into, there’s a new brand of feminism gaining popularity. This time we’re blaming all men everywhere for damaging the environment.

Ecofeminism holds, like most schools of feminism, that society is constructed in the form of an oppressive patriarchy and that most, if not all, of our problems stem from this. Truly, this ideology is smattering together a victim ideologies which blames men for all the problems of the world.

According to ecofeminists, the four pillars of modern Western society are racism, sexism, class exploitation, and environmental destruction. Such an absurd notion would be laughable if not for the fact that so many believe it to be true. Never mind the fact that prior to Western civilization racism was far more prevalent, women were owned like property throughout much of the world, peasant classes anguished in poverty, and an untamed environment was man’s deadliest foe. It was only through the advances of Western society that we began to conquer our environment rather than having it conquer us, that the rights of women, children, and minorities came to be recognized, and that allowed economic growth to occur; lifting millions out of poverty.

The Green Fuse writes:

Ecofeminism believes that Patriarchal society is built on four interlocking pillars; sexism, racism, class exploitation and environmental destruction.

Ecofeminism is a weird mix of Marxism (hate for modern development and belief that has come from exploitation and wealth must be redistributed), social justice victim-complexes (everything is against me because I am a woman), and Paganism.

Given the ecofeminist respect for non-linear, non-rational, emotional understanding, it’s not surprising that spirituality is a core element. Most religions are considered to be patriarchal and often exemplify the way humankind aims to transcend nature through the realm of culture. Mainstream religions portray God as a transcendent being, somehow beyond this world.

Goddess spirituality (see Neo-Paganism), which typically believes in an immanent Deity, has influenced some branches of ecofeminism. For more on Goddess spirituality see Starhawk.

This differs from traditional left-wing environmentalism, as it attempts to lay the blame of every problem in the world at the feet of men.

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