“Life is short. Steal a walrus.” Tweet Prompts Police ResponseSquiggly Line GuyJuly 29, 2019 by Squiggly Line Guy Phil Demers of Ontario, Canada received an unexpected visit from the police following a tweet that stated “Life is short. Steal a walrus.” Life is...
Second Canadian State Sets $15/Hr Minimum WageGuest PostJune 1, 2017June 1, 2017 by Guest Post LISTEN TO TLR’S LATEST PODCAST: By Dries Van Thielen As more and more states in the US are introducing and raising the minimum wage, it...
Canada To Test Universal Basic Income For CitizensGuest PostMarch 8, 2016 by Guest Post by Jacob Bojesson The Canadian province of Ontario will join several European countries in testing Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) in the near future. UBI is...