Liberals Mute on School Shooting in Gun Controlled CanadaGuest PostJanuary 23, 2016 by Guest Post A tragic school shooting that left four dead in a small town in northern Saskatchewan is receiving scant attention by the American media. You can rest...
Michelle Obama Told the President She Might Want a GunGuest PostJanuary 12, 2016 by Guest Post One of the lesser reported moments from the president’s Town Hall event on Guns in America hosted by CNN, was the moment where the president...
MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry Owes $70k to the IRSGuest PostNovember 3, 2015September 17, 2016 by Guest Post Liberal News Anchor Evades Paying Her “Fair Share” to Uncle Sam emocrats have a long record of being the party that prefers other people do...