Steps To Take If You Are Injured While On Vacation

Although vacations should facilitate an enjoyable break from anything serious, an injury during travel can quickly put the brakes on your enjoyment. Sustaining an injury is always a hectic experience, but it can become more so when you are in the middle of enjoying a vacation. Luckily, you have inherent rights when you sustain an injury on property belonging to someone else or when you get hurt due to another’s neglect. To protect your rights following a vacation injury, consider taking the following steps.

Notify the Proper Parties

You will want to make sure the proper individuals are aware of the incident after it occurs. If your injury occurs on-premises, such as at a hotel or restaurant, you will want to let the on-duty manager know as soon as possible. If you are involved in a traffic accident or injured on public property, you will benefit from notifying the local authorities. Do not leave the injury scene until you and any other necessary individuals document all aspects of the incident.

Make sure that someone is aware of the incident as soon as possible after it happens. Who you notify depends on the type of injury, where you are, and the responsible party. If you are at an amusement park or resort, for example, then you will want to make sure that the supervisor on duty and the owner are aware of the injury. If you are at a restaurant, then you should notify the manager on duty and the owner. If you are at a park, on a public road, or do not know who to report to, calling the local authorities is generally your best bet. The local authorities will help you notify anyone else who needs to be made aware of the situation.

Document The Scene

Take pictures of any injuries that you or a loved one sustained and any other contributing details of the scene, if there are any contributing factors apparent around the scene. It is always better to over-document than to under-document. Crucial evidence of an accident or injury may disappear with a scene’s cleanup, so take any pictures or notes while you can.

If you have a smartphone or a camera, take as many photographs as you can of the scene around you. Make sure to take pictures of your injuries as they are. If there are details that are likely to disappear with cleanups, such as broken glass or plastic or items were strewn about, make sure to document them as soon as possible, so the scene’s evidence is not compromised.

Collect Information

Collect vital contact information from other individuals involved in the incident. If you sustain an injury in a traffic accident, you would want to collect contact information, license information, and insurance details for other drivers involved in the incident. If you sustain an injury at an establishment, collect the owner’s contact information and any managers or supervisors on duty at the time of the incident. If there are any witnesses to the incident, you should try to collect their contact details and any initial impressions of the experience. They may be crucial in helping you demonstrate liability in the future. Again, here it is better to err on the side of collecting more information than you need than to find out that you are missing something vital that you cannot later go back and find.

Seek Necessary Medical Care

You should always seek medical care after sustaining an injury in an accident or while on vacation. Explain how exactly you were injured so your physician can record his or her findings because this will lay the foundation for any claim that you need to make for your insurance or for any potential lawsuit that you need to file. Even if you feel like you are okay after an incident, it is still essential to visit a medical provider because some injuries do not initially appear and may worsen if you do not treat them.

It is common for injuries sustained in car accidents to become more apparent on the second or third day following the incident. A medical provider may be able to catch injuries that could worsen in the next few days or weeks, allowing you time to treat them before they become more severe. If you notice any new symptoms after the incident, make sure that you return to your medical provider to document them as well.

Remember: Even if your injuries are mild, seeing a medical doctor after a vacation injury is vital to documenting your incident. You may need official documentation that shows that you did sustain an injury if you need to file an insurance claim or a lawsuit. This documentation may be a crucial part of your case in the future.

File an Insurance Claim

If you have purchased travel insurance through a booking agent, you should contact your insurance provider to report the incident and any injuries. If you were involved in a traffic accident, whether in your vehicle or a rental, ensure the insurance provider is aware of the incident. Try to file a claim as soon as possible. Although it is customary to discuss the facts of the experience with a claims adjuster, you should avoid discussing the topic of fault until an investigation has reached completion.

If you are concerned that you may not qualify for an insurance claim, do not worry. Your insurance provider will be able to answer any questions that you may have.

Speak With A Personal Injury Lawyer

Even if a lawsuit does not become necessary, it will still benefit you to discuss the subject of your vacation injury with a personal injury lawyer because there are so many legal implications involved. A personal injury lawyer in Northern Kentucky will be able to provide you with a well-rounded look at what your legal rights are after sustaining an injury. An attorney will be able to help you maneuver the legal system to protect those rights from the day of your injury until your claim settles.

When you sustain injuries during a vacation, it can feel overwhelming to deal with everything after the fact. This fact can be true whether the damage is severe or mild because any injury can seriously setback your vacation and cause many legal implications for yourself and your family. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to consider consulting with an attorney either in the immediate local area where the injury occurred or back home in your local area. The sooner you consult with an attorney about the incident and what legal remedies you may have, the sooner you will be able to gain some peace of mind and return to that vacation state of mind you lost when you were hurt.

A personal injury lawyer in Northern Kentucky will allow you to exercise your rights by advocating for you. This is key to ensuring that you can settle your claim and move on with your life.



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