Rush Limbaugh: ‘Disband the GOP!’

The White House is celebrating victory after the massive $1.1 trillion dollar omnibus spending bill passed the GOP controlled Congress. For conservatives, the bill which also fully funds Planned Parenthood, is a betrayal. It has conservative talk radio giant Rush Limbaugh calling to disband the Grand Old Party.

Breitbart reports:

“There is no Republican Party!” Limbaugh said. “You know, we don’t even need a Republican Party if they’re gonna do this. You know, just elect Democrats, disband the Republican Party, and let the Democrats run it, because that’s what’s happening anyway.”

Limbaugh recounted how American voters “showed up in record numbers” and “defeated Democrats down the ballot” in order to get Republicans to stop runaway spending and President Barack Obama’s agenda.

“And now the Republicans have the largest number of seats in the House they’ve had in Congress since the Civil War,” he said. “And it hasn’t made any difference at all. It is as though Nancy Pelosi is still running the House and Harry Reid is still running the Senate. ‘Betrayed’ is not even the word here. What has happened here is worse than betrayal. Betrayal is pretty bad, but it’s worse than that.”

“This was out-and-out, in-our-face lying, from the campaigns to individual statements made about the philosophical approach Republicans had to all this spending,” Limbaugh said, adding that it has, in part, led to the rise of leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

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