Top 5 Questions Mainstream Media Could Ask Gary Johnson Next

4. Which Amendment in the Bill of Rights is superfluous?

The Constitution of the United States is a very old document that is due for an overhaul. Everybody agrees that there are troubling things in the Bill of Rights that go entirely against the current laws. It does not make sense that we should allow the Founding Fathers to dictate to Congress, the Federal bureaucracy, and whoever the current president happens to be as to what rights the people get to claim. So which part of the Bill of Rights do you want to jettison? You’re drawing a blank? Not another Aleppo moment?! If you ask Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, both the Second and the Fourth Amendments are superfluous. The First Amendment is also on pretty shaky grounds. Why can’t you think of anything in the Bill of Rights you would like to drop? Could it be that it’s because you are not a constitutional scholar? How can you run for president and still not be able to think of a single civil liberty that needs to be squashed for the sake of the public welfare or security? Are you some kind of monster or merely ignorant?

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