Stefan Molyneux Destroys Leftist Race-Baiting Narratives

Stefan Molyneux, a popular internet personality with over 400k subscribers on YouTube, recorded a video last night, shortly after the news of the Dallas shootings broke, analyzing the current race narrative that is (again) being conjured by the left as we approach the presidential election. Molyneux believes that the theme of this narrative, the reason for the season, is simply about one thing. Is it the peace and prosperity of the black community? Nope. It’s votes. He opines:

One of the culminations of all of this race-baiting that has been going on for many, many years now, is that the left wishes to provoke the hornets nest of black resentment in order to garner votes for democratic politicians.

Why does Molyneux believe this? “Facts,” he says, as he proceeds to cite a litany of statistics and figures that seem at odds with the approved establishment race narrative in the US.  For example:

In 2013, a black was 6 times more likely than a non-black to commit murder and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by another race… From 1980 to 2008, 93 percent of blacks where killed by blacks… In 2013 there were about 660,000 crimes of inter-racial violence involving blacks and whites. Of those 660,000 crimes, blacks were the perpetrators 85% of the time. What does this mean? This means that again, as of 2013, a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa…. A 2015 department of justice study of police shootings in Philly found racial differences in threat perception failure. So that’s when an officer shoots an unarmed suspect because the officer thinks the suspect is armed. Black officers were nearly twice as likely as white officers to shoot an unarmed black.

Stefan goes on to say that no one on the left wants to talk about any problems within the black community itself, because then, “they might not vote for the Democrats, you see.” The black community does have problems, he contends, and “the way we solve problems is with facts.” “These,” he says, “are the facts:”

There is a troubled, dis-functional community producing a vastly disproportionate number of criminals … These are facts. If these are the behaviors of significant proportions of the black community, is it always and forever only irrational, unjust, crazy racism from outside the black community? That is the only cause and only source of problems? If you say, “Yes,” you are a racist.

In fact, Molyneux believes that reverse racism (discrimination against a dominant or formerly dominant racial group) is becoming a real and dangerous problem in America.

Recently in America, a black person punched a white woman in the face after screaming, “I hate white people,” and the judge declared it not a hate-crime. You see, because white people are the last legitimate group that can be hated with impunity and, in fact, with applause. So no one’s willing to tell the truth. No one is willing to deal with the facts; and everything that is wrong with the black community is always someone else’s fault.

Ultimately, it is his view that race-relations are just a vehicle for manipulating the population by people in power; people who command and control government. Who has been in-charge of race relations in our country throughout its history? “Government,” he says.

Government instituted slavery. Government enforced slave contracts. Government protected slave ships. Who enforced Jim Crow? Who enforced segregation? Who was responsible for making sure everyone gets educated? Government. How is that working out?

At the end of his monologue, Molyneux acknowledges that many people will reject what he is saying (and probably hate him for it), but offers this in conclusion.

Of course those who speak the truth are hated by those who profit from lies. But so what? Being hated by the liars and the sophists who are leading us off a cliff is a badge of honor; a medal if you will. I am willing to wear it. Are you?

What do you think? Is he right? Do we have a problem with reverse racism in America? Are liars and sophists profiting off the misery and destruction of both minority and majority communities by pitting them against each other? Would politicians promote or incite violence between two disparate groups to gain or maintain power? Probably.


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